For Precipitation and Notification

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Scheduling fails: They're in all of us.

My associate, The Three-Thousandth Master of Shatz (a.k.a. Shatzmaster3000, but I like my way better), frequents the dark corner of the Internet known as Failblog.

(Thankfully, he does not frequent far darker corners of the Internet, like "/b/." I did not provide the link to /b/, because visiting it is probably a worse idea than, say, slitting your throat. Wikipedia says someone important says "reading /b/ will melt your brain." You don't want a melted brain, now, do you? I most certainly do not. Let's both stay away from /b/, and focus on happier topics, like the impending doom of classiness due to unclassiness. Seriously, though, stay away from /b/ if you value your life.)

On Failblog, I am told, are various 'fails,' or mistakes that people make. These fails can range from the humorous to humorous-and-yet-very-painful-to-the-person-who-did-it. Well, there's no need to go to Failblog for fails. We've got them right here.

I made a number of statements regarding an important post that would be posted on Wednesday, November 11. Then I realized November 11th was a Thursday. Then I realized I actually wanted 12/11/09, which I took as Friday, November the 12th. Then I realized that 12/11/09 actually means December 11th. So I was completely and awfully wrong. The correct special-edition article will be posted on the appropriate date, the 12th of December.

Update: As it turns out, this Friday is actually the 13th of November, not the 12th. Another scheduling post, another scheduling fail.

I will be posting an article for tonight/tomorrow, this Roundtable Friday. Unless the Master of Shatz beats me to it.

My apologies for the fails.

With all due respect,


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