For Precipitation and Notification

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pterodactyl Watch: Hong Kong

Just what does Google think of classiness? Let's find out, and expose a plot of pterodactylish feindishness, covering the entire world, from Monsey to Hong Kong.

Well. According to that handy-dandy chart, less people have searched for "Roundtable" recently, but there has actually been much more news about it. Just where is this news?

Wait. The third most frequent search for Roundtable came from... Canada!? Obviously Google's data is flawed. Somewhere as unclassy as Canada would never search for such a classy term. (Never mind what's going on with Hong Kong and Australia, which is also pretty sketchy.) So is Google's data flawed?
Surely not! Google got rich for being good with data, didn't they! So if Google's displaying something false, it must be because they are hiding something!
But are they hiding it for good or for ill?
Well, Google's motto is 'don't be evil'. But clearly Google lied on being evil: how else could anyone explain their failure to develop and expand on Google TiSP?
And if Google is evil, then they must always lie.
(Quod erat demonstrandum.)
But what is Google trying to hide? Perhaps, they are undergoing a quest to hide traces of their allies, the evil ptero-people! How else can you explain that a Google search for "Ptero-Terror" returns only four results, and none of them are this site (which, as we all know is obviously the classiest website on the internet)!
What does Google gain from its support of ptero-terror?
Well, we need to look at the statistics again. The second highest search rate for "Roundtable" was, if you remember, Hong Kong.
So, obviously, when Ptero-people rule the western hemisphere, Google will be ruling the east from their secret lair under the South China Sea. And their minions (according to Wikipedia, Hongkongers) will spread far and wide and will do whatever Google's Minions tend to do (programming, mostly).
But it will be to late, for we will be under the wonderful, terrible, great, awesome, fun, deadly, exciting reign of the pterodactyls.
Tell your freinds!
And when you see the Pterodactyls in the skies over Hong Kong, beware!

But what about ptero-terror closer to home?

Find out on the next edition of
Pterodactyl Watch

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