For Precipitation and Notification

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fashionable Friday: Clothes

 Reprinted from Issue II of NotR: Print Edition (March 29, 2009)
 Perhaps the most popular fashion in the entire world is that of wearing clothes. Almost everyone in the world wears them. And, since they've been popular for thousands of years, you can be sure that they won't go out of style anytime soon.
Simple English Wikipedia defines clothes as “items which are made to cover part of the human body.” It goes on to say that clothes aren't just fashionable – they're also very practical. Clothes can protect you from heat, cold and even pestilent insects!
Many people wear clothes in red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, and many other less publicized colors. For a classy look that's straight out of Central
Monsey, try wearing black and white clothes instead.
At the News of the Roundtable Headquarters there are two popular ways of wearing clothes. The first, involving collared shirts and khaki pants for boys and longish skirts and 'appropriate' shirts for girls, is far more prevalent. For a real 'rebel' look, try one of the “go to my office immediately” styles, like the newest line from Urban Doüek.

Fiendly Fashion Tip:

Chest Hair: All manly men have chest hair and are not ashamed to show it off. Try unbuttoning that third button on your shirt for increased viewability. Any other four cornered garments that restrict chest hair viewing should be removed. If you are sadly not well endowed with a manly tuft of chest hair try borrowing from someone’s back-mane.

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