For Precipitation and Notification

Monday, September 7, 2009

Thursday Night Jew-Down! (Because Friday night’s already taken)

Reprinted from Issue II of NotR: Print Edition (March 29, 2009)
An impartial analysis of the relative Jewish values being promoted in popular culture:

Musical Parodies
  • Werewolf Bar-Mitzvah – promotes torah study as well as regular shul attendance. Also expounds on proper bar mitzvah reception etiquette. Additionally all werewolf activities described are Shabbos appropriate and do not violate any of the 39 melachos. Grade: B+
  • J*** in my Pants – If you’re J-ing in your P, then your not sticking your P in
    a V. Getting off from a breeze isn’t against the torah is it? Abstinence: God’s cruel joke on teenagers. Grade: A-
  • On a Boat – Conspicuous consumption: the 11th commandment. Wear that
    Madoff backpack proudly. It’s the classy thing to do. Grade: C-
  • D*** in a Box – Jews love presents. Jews love saving money. Dick in a Box is more than an entertaining 4 minute musical masterpiece, it is a revolution. Hannukah? D*** in a Box. Afikoman? D*** in a Box. Mishloach Manot? D***
    in a Box. Justin Timberlake’s greatest service to mankind since the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show earns this week’s award as winner of the Thursday Night Jew-Down! Grade: A+

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