For Precipitation and Notification

Friday, September 11, 2009

Roundtable Friday: Reloaded

In my full official capacity of random nutty guy who

  1. posts stuff on this blog
  2. is taking a very intense math class, and
  3. rambles on whenever he gives himself this kind of writing assignment,

I would like to welcome you, one and all, to Roundtable Friday: Reloaded. Unlike certain other 'reloaded' pieces of culture (i.e. The Matrix: Reloaded, The Teletubbies: Reloaded, and The Projectile Weapon That Might Hurt You or One of your Friends, Family Members, or Other Associates: Reloaded), I am confident, nay, sure, that Roundtable Friday: Reloaded will be unto the original (and now unfortunately past) Roundtable Friday as a very tasty dessert is to a very tasty meal.

For those of you who don't do well with analogies, I meant that I am sure Roundtable Friday: Reloaded is going to awesome in general, and Very Classy in particular.

So. Enough with the introductions. Here's what we're going to do:
  • Digitalize and upload all of the paper editions of the News of the Roundtable - some of these have already been posted (look doooowwwnnn...)
  • Add informative and interesting new articles, of great importance to all of you. For example, did you know that Pterodacyls have been recently sighted in Arizona? Or how about that certain Universities are offering classes in unclassiness? Or how about the Large Classiness Supercollector and the international controversy it has generated. Soon, you will...
  • Reload Ask the Tuber. This has actually already been accomplished. Simply send all of your important questions to ... and the Tuber will answer on this very page...
  • And plenty more. I'll tell you later. I have classiness to work on.
If you want to help, we will be in contact. Send a message to with your credentials and ideas or articles. We'll know what to do with it.


With All Due Respect,

"Kevin" Root

P.S.: Why am I calling myself Root? Because I read to much. Now go away - or better, stay here, and help make the World... classy.

Oh, the real reason? I'm not giving away my name on the internet...

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