For Precipitation and Notification

Friday, December 25, 2009

This is getting annoying

Does anyone actually read this? 'Cause all I know is that I (and perhaps once a month Shatzmaster3000 and perhaps once every 3 months WickedJumbo) am pretty much the only one posting here. It's getting annoying. I don't mind being a big part of this, if no one else wants the responsibility, but I do mind being the only one who's ever writing stuff here.

So here's the deal:

  1. I continue programing the Arash game, because I'm cool like that. (I know, it doesn't work for some of you, and some of you don't see the bicycle. I'm working on it...)
  2. I stop writing articles here.
  3. People post articles (if they're already contributors to the blog. If they aren't contributors, they can send an email to ; we will arrange it so that any articles contained in that email are published, and, if you want, the sender of the email will be added as a contributor).
  4. For every article someone else posts, I'll post an article of my own.
There. That's a pretty good deal. I'm still doing more than half the work...
But until someone else posts/sends something, I'm on strike.

If you don't really care about the News of the Roundtable, we can end it here. But if you do care, it's time to work a little for it.

Happy Roundtable Friday. Make it a good one.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nobody Expects Josh P――― Day!

Editor's Note: Posted an hour before Friday officially starts. I'm going to get to bed early. Also, be sure to check out the prototype Arash: Flying Bicycle game, below.

Nobody expects Josh P――― Day!

(Its chief weapon is surprise... surprise and fear... Amongst its weaponry are such diverse elements as surprise, fear, nice red uniforms, and lack of fanatical devotion to the Pope... heh - that's a Monty Python reference, folks. Did I really need to tell you?)

Although his last name may have been censored to avoid cyberbullying, Fiends of the Roundtable surely know of this man's heroic quest to enter the greatest (or so he thinks) college in the history of this universe. (Although I'm told that the RCC two universes over might give it a run for its money.) I am speaking, of course, of the great and grand, awesome and amazing, cool and classy, blessed and bloated Cornell University.

Mr. P――― had always dreamed of going to Cornell University. He yearned to go to Cornell University. He dreamed of yearning to go to Cornell University.

And on December 11, 2008, exactly one year ago from today, Mr. P――― was admitted to that amazing school whose name I shall not repeat because I would have to put it in extra large letters and that would cause formatting problems.

But anyway. One year ago was the first ever Josh P――― Day. Today is the second one. Don't you feel special living through such a momentous occasion?

Some naysayers might claim that Josh P――― Day is unclassy, and should not be included on this most classy of blogs/online versions of fake newspapers. They are wrong. First of all, Cornell University is so special and classy that it automatically comes out in big letters. Fairless Dickinson University doesn't. Columbia University certainly doesn't. Only Cornell University is classy enough for that. The font size proves it. (Don't even get me started on John's 'Hopkin' Univeristy...)

Second, just think about Mr. P―――. Pretty classy guy, eh? Sure, he didn't write for the News of the Roundtable, but then again, neither did Archibald MacLeish. (Perhaps for completely different reasons, but, hey...)

Third, well, there is a third reason, but I'm not sure what.

Happy Josh P――― Day!

Arash: Flying Bicycle

UPDATE/NOTE: For mysterious reasons, the game does not display properly on computers running Windows. An investigation has been put in place...

During a recent conversation, our dear friend, the Master of Shatz, reminded me that no one actually believed that our up-and-coming online game, Arash: Flying Bicycle, would actually be made.

Well, my friends and fiends, perhaps you should believe.

After the link below, you will find yourself inside of a miraculous new online world filled with Arash, A Flying Bicycle, and various other classy things.

Said online world is actually kind of ugly as of now, and almost all of the classy things have not yet been implemented (including Arash himself), but the flying bicycle is there. And it is waiting...

...for you.

This is not an April Fool's joke. This is not a December Fools joke. This is not a BurningBush Thursday Fools joke.

This is as real as it gets.

Well, not quite yet. I haven't even programmed in the car (full of hot girls, of course) that you're supposed to catch, yet, so there's no way to actually win. I haven't even stopped that really annoying flickering.

But it has begun. And now, I have the honor of presenting you with: Arash: Flying Bicycle.

The bicycle awaits...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Movie Review: Fiend Girls!

The world has experienced some tragic disappointments over the years. The epic collapse of the Mets franchise, the dominance of Philadelphia over New York(the teams that matter, anyway), the rejection of the entire current and former staff of NOTR from so-called "Ivy League" universities, the last Guns N' Roses album, the new season of How I Met Your Mother, and the very unclassy and untimely death of Patrick Swayze(may he rest in peace. Amen.). All of these were tragedies, some more so than others. However, the recent release of the short independent fil "Fiend Girls" rivals all of them in the heartbreaking disappointment it causes in its audience.
Not since the release of the epic masterpiece "The Rise and Fall of the Nazi Dinosaurs" has NOTR seen fit to write a movie review. But while "The Rise and Fall of the Nazi Dinosaurs" is an uplifting and emotional work of art, "Fiend Girls" deserves mention for being almost as disappointing as the New York Mets.
Much like the Mets, "Fiend Girls" looks like it could be something special. Where the Mets have Johan Santana, "Fiend Girls" has the word "Fiend" in the title. Where the Mets have Jose Reyes, "Fiend Girls" has the presence of a unibrow. However, as we all know, Santana and Reyes got hurt and the Mets are starting to resemble the New York Knicks in futility. Despite the great potential inherent in its most basic elements, "Fiend Girls" fails to deliver.
Clearly the creators of this film have no respect for the sanctity of unibrows or fiends. The girls depicted in this film are no more deserving of the term fiend than a certain Fraudmaster who shall remain nameless. This disrespect has brought the film close to the vh1 level in terms of unclassiness, and everybody involved deserves nothing less than a donkey punch on a boat in the middle of nowhere.
The film goes wrong even in the aspects that seem unimportant. "Fiend Girls" was meant to be a spoof of the film "Mean Girls" with a similar message: "coolness is what you think it is". Well, everybody knows that classiness is the coolest attribute possible. Plus, the unibrowed girl playing the part of Lindsay Lohan more closely resembles the post-crack whore version of said actress than the hot version that appears in "Mean Girls"
In short, this film is the greatest disappointment since the establishment of New Jersey. Clearly these filmmakers had no idea what sacred mythology they were toying with and created an abomination of Frankenstein-esque proportions. As such, NOTR is instituting a moment of silence to commemorate the classiness lost by the creation of this film. Amen.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Terrible Tragic Tale of Tiger

What has happened to the world? In the ever-constant battle of classiness versus unclassiness, unclassiness has recently scored a devastating victory over the tophat-wearing forces of classiness. The downfall of Tiger Woods, champion of golf(the second-classiest sport, behind only library-style crochet) is an unmitigated disaster.
The champion of this classic and classy sport had everything: charity organizations(always classy) many championships and titles(very much classy) and quite the attractive wife( not necessarily classy, but can't hurt). A series of events have undone this once classy individual. Or "transgressions". However you would like to put it.
First off, the car accident. It happens sometimes. It is, of corse, unclassy, but survivable. What really took the classiness away from Tiger is the same thing taking classiness away from television; vh1. When this so-called waitress, clearly upset with vh1's inability to fix her relationship on vh1's "Tool Academy", first claimed she had proof that she had been having an unclassy affair with Tiger, it could have been said that it was simply an effort to be put in the public eye, much like the whole vh1 thing was. But Tiger didn't deny it. And that hurt classiness almost as much as Gans Meltdown Tuesday. The forces of classiness must strike back. But how?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Arash: Flying Bicycle: Update!

Editor's note: The programmer was feeling lazy. Maybe the game will be up later...

I'm pleased to announce that our featured game, Arash: Flying Bicycle, is actively in development. Version 1.0, codenamed "Flying Circus," is scheduled to be released sometime in the upcoming Roundtable Friday.

You heard right, folks. The first version of Arash: Flying Bicycle is expected to be up and running before the Sabbath begins and Roundtable Friday ends.

I think it's time to throw in a screenshot. But I'm too lazy, so I'll just give you the photoshoped promo instead.

Version 1.0 is only a drop in the bucket compared to what I'm planning for Arash: Flying Bicycle, but it's complex enough to be a standalone game. Here's what I'm planning:

Arash: Flying Bicycle is written in Java because that's the only real programming language I know at the moment. Also, Java is useful because it won't only run on Windows, but also on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, OS/2, BeOS Haiku, Mac OS X and whatever other nutty operating systems you can dig up. (Editor's note: Java does work on OS X. The author just felt like crossing it out anyway. I'm sure you can understand...)

Version 1.0 will be similar to that stupid little game which I don't exactly remember how to describe. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. The object of the game is for the player, controlling Arash and his magical flying bicycle, to catch up to a car, which contains hot girls.

Version 1.5, codenamed "Flying Castle (Oh, wait, that was actually called Moving Castle, too bad),"  will be a minor upgrade of 1.0. Pretty much, a few better graphics.

The fun really starts with version 2.0, "Bycicle Built for (Version) Two," which will not only contain the "classic" Arash adventure from version 1.0, but also an all new campaign mode! Yes, we're going all out with a fully fledged fight for freedom and Fridays.

But surely, you ask, what could Arash do besides chase after girls? Well, save the world, for one thing. Besides, this isn't just a game for Arash, but for the entire News of the Roundtable. Fiends who are easily disturbed by such plot elements as 'Stairway to Heaven,' 'TI-89 Titanium with Laser Beams,' 'The Destruction of New Jersey,' 'being on a boat,' and 'President of the ICC' are advised not to play the campaign mode, because all of these options are expected to be included.

Versions 2.1 through 2.20 will be releases of new levels for the campaign mode. The working titles (which basically mean that I know what I'm talking about, and you don't) for all 21 levels are as follows:
  1. Introducing a Very Handsome Man
  2. Flying Bycicle
  3. Man in the High Castle (Includes bonus cutscene: Anathem)
  4. East of Eden
  5. Many Waters
  6. On a Boat (Includes bonus cutscene: Overclassing)
  7. Storm of Swords
  8. Caves of Steel
  9. Paths of the Dead (Includes bonus cutscene: Fountains of Paradise)
  10. Path of Heaven
  11. Stairway to Heaven
  12. Fires of Heaven (Includes bonus cutscene: Boom!)
  13. Pebble in the Sky
  14. Currents of Space
  15. The Stars, like Dust (Includes bonus cutscene: Starship Titanic)
  16. Leviathan
  17. Iron Sunrise
  18. The Naked Sun (Includes bonus cutscene: Chain Rule)
  19. Return of the King
  20. The Last Battle
  21. Bonus Level (Includes bonus cutscene: Bonus Cutscene)
(Note: Most of those titles were references to books. Do not be alarmed! Few if any of those references will actually be used in the game.)

Yeah. Then we've got version 3.0, codenamed "Flying Fish," which will include our genius new multiplayer game, Superior Smashing Brethren (which is most certainly not a blatant ripoff of Super Smash Brothers. Oh, no.). All Fiends of the Roundtable are invited, nay, encouraged, to send a profile of themselves in to for inclusion in this excitingly Superior Smashing madness! And probably to the campaign as well. (Note: please base your profile on how Super Smash bros. actually works. Feel free to submit multiple profiles for yourself, your friends, your worst enemies, &c.)

Then version 4.0 will have, um, what are we missing? Well, version 4.0 will be codenamed "Flying Friday," and will include anything that's missing, plus fixes to anything that needs fixing and upgrades to anything that needs upgrading. Version 4.0 will be the last version in the foreseeable future.

Yeah, I'm tired and lazy (Slapsgiving really wore me out!). Have a good Friday, keep it classy, and check back soon for Arash: Flying Bicycle: Version 1.0 (Flying Circus).

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Slapsgiving: Great Holiday, or Greatest Holiday?

An excited child prepares for his Slapsgiving feast

This coming thursday, the third thursday in November, is, as most of you are aware, the noble and ancient holiday of Thanksgiving; a day of joy in which we all take a moment out of our busy lives to enjoy the comforts of family, turkey, stuffing, gravy, more turkey, more family, backyard football, and for a certain lucky few (me) birthday cake. However there is one aspect of this holiday that is missing from most Americans' Thanksgiving celebrations. I am referring to, of course, the requisite slap in the face.

This new tradition has been gaining popularity faster than Fancy Friday ever since its magnificence was shared with the world a year ago on the classic episode of How I Met Your Mother. Now that the existence of Slapsgiving has been shared with the world, we must ask ourselves a number of important existential questions.
1. Why is this day different from all other days?
2. What makes Slapsgiving so popular?
3. Are there any life lessons one cannot learn from How I Met Your Mother?
4. How does Arash make his bicycle fly? (No its not pterodactyls. That theory has been discredited since its publication,)
and most importantly
5. Who is going to be dealing the "slap heard round the world" at your table this Thursday?

Now to answer my own questions:
1. This day is different from all other days because the post office won't deliver your mail, its illegal to operate heavy machinery, the NFL continues to subject viewers to the Detroit Lions, and because you finally get to slap Uncle Larry in the face.
2. Duh, you get to slap your least favorite family member/friend in the face. Whether he's "that guy" who's always there to annoy you, or just stealing all the beers from your minifridge, he deserves it! (Note: even in this age of gender equality, Slapsgiving should not be conferred upon a female under any circumstances.)
3. No. Everything there is to learn in life can be learned in one simple half-hour viewing per week. Whether its the bro code, the playbook, or the naked man, all simple truths of life are contained in this show, placing it on a level of classiness not seen since the cancellation of Arrested Development.
4. The world may never know.
5. Nobody know's for sure, but my money is on your Aunt Linda. Seriously, nobody's gonna see it coming.

And there you have it. Everything you didn't even know you needed to know about the greatest holiday Hallmark doesn't sell a greeting card for, all conveniently contained within one handy article. Read, process, and enjoy.

Roundtable Revealed: The Creation Of NOTR

Before the greatness of this story is lost forever, the dedicated readers of this finest of fake news sources will, for the first time, be able to read about the glorious and surprisingly humble beginnings of the News of the Round Table.
In order to ensure that the readers of NOTR get a complete storytelling, this author will do something that has traditionally been avoided to preserve the integrity of the stories run by NOTR:
I'm going to speak in the first person. Hopefully, this will be the last time I ever have to do this, violating one of the fundamental rules of my code of journalistic ethics. Which I shall post at another time.
The News of the Roundtable's existence is owed to many people/fiends, but mostly to one. That man is not the Pickup Artist. That man is Dmitri Martin. But I'll explain that later.
First I will recount the forming of the Fiends of the Roundtable. In a certain high school in the sad wasteland of New Jersey, the fiends were born. It started with the Fiendly Four: The Crazy Israeli Founder, The Unibrowed Fiend, the Multiple-Personalitied Fiend, and the Important Fiend. Sadly, as of this posting, none of the writers for this blog were among the Fiendly Four. I was, at best, an honorary fiend in the beginning. That original band of four was termed the "Fiends of the Roundtable" by the Founder on a fateful morning in the early days of Senior year. During the early days of fiendom, many of our conversations revolved around many of the topics you read of in our blog today: vh1, the pickup artist, pterodactyls, Arash, and Reputation Juice(weed).
Now, we of the Roundtable frequently had lunch together. For what seemed no particular reason, during the week we ate at rectangular tables. On Friday.......... Roundtables. One fateful friday, I ate at a rectangular table. The Unibrowed Fiend pointed out that it was wrong, and it was "Roundtable Friday". And so it begun.
Over the next few months, membership of the fiends grew, and with it, the fiendliness of our school. Gans Meltdown Tuesday was begun after somebody of the Gans persuasion had a meltdown at breakfast. As we of the fiends started visiting colleges, we were bestowed with college visitation names as prefixes to our birth names. These titles included: Horny, Reputation, Crazy Israeli, Yammy, Teppy-Tepp, Multiple-Personality, and Word-Association. It was during this time that the short-lived television show "Important Things With Dmitri Martin" came out. It was also during this time when both the Founding Fiend and the Unibrowed Fiend noticed the rising fiendosity levels of the school, and were disturbed by it. In fact, after initial enthusiasm, the Founding Fiend and the Unibrowed Fiend withdrew their support. The Unibrowed Fiend contributed one total article to NOTR. The Multiple-Personalitied Fiend contributed two. Eventually, NOTR also lost the support of the Important Fiend. But I will get to that later.
So one fateful night, I was watching "Important Things With Dmitri Martin". In this episode, he introduced the concept of "Fake Newspaper Friday", primarily to disturb old people in nursing homes(He also invented "Double Important Wednesdays". Dmitri Martin is an honorary fiend, though he doesn't even know it). Noticing the alliteration, I immediately texted the Important Fiend(who bears strong physical resemblance to Dmitri Martin). His response indicated that, partially due to frustrations with our school's crappy paper and our loads of free time, we should create a fake newspaper of our own. And thus, "The News Of The Roundtable" was born. Sadly, after an editorial career spanning three( well, two the third doesn't really count) issues, the Important Fiend withdrew from NOTR.
And there you have it. The beginning. Now I haven't told you everything(for example, the influence of a creature whose call is "whhhhhhoooooaaaaaaaaaaaa....." or the role of Shalom Bombay), but the gist of it. Now you understand. or are more confused. I don't really care.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Online Olympics Part One: Homework Websites

As a new news segment for NOTR, generally serving as a replacement for our movie and music reviews(New Moon and Miley Cyrus have ruined both industries) the Online Olympics will track down the two most prominent websites within a specific category and have them duel(NOTR judges by comparison, little to no dueling will actually take place) to see which website is the best.
The first segment of the Online Olympics will focus on the two online homework giants, Webassign and MyEconlab.
In terms of clientele, Webassign has the clear advantage. While MyEconlab is limited to economics courses, Webassign covers math, physics, and chemistry. However, this unholy triumvirate of subjects causes nothing but grief and tears for their students, and with a measly 3 guesses, prominent red ugly Xs for wrong numbers, and a lame green check for right answers, Webassign leaves much to be desired in customer relations. Especially when they insist on marking the right answer wrong.
MyEconlab is limited to economics courses. However, in addition to homework, MyEconlab contains study plans and an online copy of the required textbook. In addition, thanks to the "try again" and "similar question" options, no wrong answer is permanent! And when you do get a problem wrong, MyEconlab gives you the process by which you can find the right answer. When you get something wrong, MyEconlab apologizes!"Sorry, that's not the correct answer". MyEconlab feels bad about your stupidity! And when you get something right, it always says "Excellent!" or "Great Job!". It's that kind of positive reinforcement that can really brighten someones day.
Winner: MyEconlab. Keep those infinite guesses rolling.

P.S. Those of you who may have read the previous article may be confused. Root seems to have implied (Editor's note: not anymore! Many thanks to Mr. Shatz for this highly important correction) that Erik Von Humperdink, a.k.a. The Pickup Artist, is classy.
This is simply untrue.
Firstly, anything involved with VH1 is, by definition, infinitely more unclassy than the kazoo, triangle, or badly played accordion.
Secondly, the so-called Pickup Artist is a seven foot tall Canadian undead creature of the night who wears Air Force goggles and dead flamingos on his head. And outside his cohost, he never talks to girls. Ever. Even suggesting that this zombie/vampire is even slightly classy is an abomination.

'Classic' SYSCO: Truth in Advertising?

Undercover investigators have disguised themselves as 'observant students' and infiltrated a Kosher Food Establishment at the University of Maryland. Their findings are shocking.

Said Kosher Food Establishment's main supplier, SYSCO, bills itself as 'classic.'

We went to SYSCO's website to see if they had an explanation for this claim. What we found reminded us of some of the worst articles ever written for the News of the Roundtable.

(The News of the Roundtable has two types of really awful articles: The first type are those in which the random nerdy guy blabbers on about science and math without any regard to keeping the discussion classy. Hi! The second type of article is awfully edited, awfully written, seems to be the ravings of a deranged and/or high pterodactyl, and would probably get an F if graded by even the classiest of English teachers. SYSCO's explanation falls into the latter category.)

Let's take a look:

Did you understand any of that?

I think not.

(I could demonstrate the errors in this all day. But I won't; someone might die of boredom. I'll just give one example: if 'Imperial SYSCO' is 'Simply Excellent,' shouldn't it be called 'Excellent SYSCO?')

But we don't care about the differences between Imperial SYSCO and Supreme SYSCO. We care if Classic SYSCO is really classic.

Well, as you may remember, it is nearly universally agreed upon that something classic must be both classy and old. Let's tackle the easy one first. Is classic SYSCO old?

Well, according to 'The SYSCO Story' (parents, this is quite an amazing story. You should read this to your kids for bedtime) SYSCO had its 'initial public offering in 1970.' So it's not amazingly old, but it's older than me. We'll let it slide.

But is SYSCO classy?

I'll simplify things right now: it is not. Because of interference by the Three-thousandth Master of Shatz, proof of SYSCO's unclassiness is left as an exercise in logic for the reader.

So, apparently SYSCO is old, but not classy.

Therefore, SYSCO is guilty of false advertising. They are most certainly not classic. The ICC has reported them to the Better Business Bureau.

But if SYSCO keeps up this dastardly policy, they could soon find themselves plotting the Rise and Fall of the Nazi Dinosaurs.  

Friday, November 13, 2009

Those Elevator Douchebags

In society, you've got your obvious paraites and purveyors of unclassiness. These parasites are most commonly known as vh1 reality contestants, Miley Cyrus, Canada, and, of course, New Jersey. However, there are more discreet elements at work within our society that are slowly but surely eating away at the moral and classy basis of our very existence.
This article is, of course, about Those elevator Douchebags. You know who you are. You are the lazy fatasses that make use of the elevator rather than go up or down one, two, or heaven-forbid three flights of stairs. You prolong the elevator rides of those who have no choice but to use the elevator, those stuck in the upper nether regions of their buildings. If their lives weren't already ridiculously sad and pathetic, their elevator rides eat up much more time than is reasonable or acceptable thanks to Those Elevator Douchebags.
No more. If you live lower than the fourth floor and still using the elevator, you are dead to NOTR, and are blacklisted from participation in NOTR's various classy events, most notably Roundtable Friday, Fancy Friday, Foursquare Friday, Fiendly Friday, Funky Hat Friday, Word-Association Wednesday, Shiriyah Barbecue Thursday, among many others. Participation in Gans Meltdown Tuesday is still encouraged.

The Ballad of the Roundtable

Editor's Note: See the important announcement, below.

After writing my first poem, The Soundtrack to My Nightmares, I was shocked at how well it was received. (There's a really good story behind it - ask me if you haven't heard it. But while it was being read in class, I actually started cracking up. This also happened when, near the end of Junior Year, the teacher of the infamous "BC on a Boat" class gave me a math prize. It seems that whenever I actually get honored for something I did well, I start cracking up and generally making a fool of myself. Remind me not to ever win a Nobel Prize - it would be most embarrassing if got up to accept it and then started laughing for a straight fifteen minutes.)
Anyway, the reception to Soundtrack gave me the idea that I was suddenly the Poet-laureate of the Roundtable. And, of course, the Roundtable must have its own ballad - the words to its theme song, if you will.
I haven't made as much progress as I had hoped, but I promised something special for this Roundtable Friday, and I won't be able to deliver (see below, for an explanation, or above, for a link to below). Thus, as a consolation prize, I present below selected fragments from what will become The Ballad of the Roundtable.


Since they were the fiends
Of the Roundtable,
One might guess at what they
Did whene'er able.

But that may overstate their
Drugs and understate
Their other acts: Classiness
Was their law and fate.

Behold! They justly roamed
The vast, ancient school,
And upon their travels spread
classiness and cool.


Remember, that's only a preview and prototype. I'm too tired even to have proofread it - but it's something.

Keep it classy.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Scheduling fails: They're in all of us.

My associate, The Three-Thousandth Master of Shatz (a.k.a. Shatzmaster3000, but I like my way better), frequents the dark corner of the Internet known as Failblog.

(Thankfully, he does not frequent far darker corners of the Internet, like "/b/." I did not provide the link to /b/, because visiting it is probably a worse idea than, say, slitting your throat. Wikipedia says someone important says "reading /b/ will melt your brain." You don't want a melted brain, now, do you? I most certainly do not. Let's both stay away from /b/, and focus on happier topics, like the impending doom of classiness due to unclassiness. Seriously, though, stay away from /b/ if you value your life.)

On Failblog, I am told, are various 'fails,' or mistakes that people make. These fails can range from the humorous to humorous-and-yet-very-painful-to-the-person-who-did-it. Well, there's no need to go to Failblog for fails. We've got them right here.

I made a number of statements regarding an important post that would be posted on Wednesday, November 11. Then I realized November 11th was a Thursday. Then I realized I actually wanted 12/11/09, which I took as Friday, November the 12th. Then I realized that 12/11/09 actually means December 11th. So I was completely and awfully wrong. The correct special-edition article will be posted on the appropriate date, the 12th of December.

Update: As it turns out, this Friday is actually the 13th of November, not the 12th. Another scheduling post, another scheduling fail.

I will be posting an article for tonight/tomorrow, this Roundtable Friday. Unless the Master of Shatz beats me to it.

My apologies for the fails.

With all due respect,


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Well, This is Embarrassing: The Scheduling Fail of the Roundtable

In a number of important communications, we mentioned that an important matter would be posted today, November 11. Unfortunately, we made a grievous error. The correct post will be made tomorrow, Friday, November 12.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Keep it classy.
With all due respect,

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lincecum's Secret

Well, the Freak's secret has finally been revealed. For the last two-plus baseball seasons, the world has wondered just how it is somebody so small could be so ridiculously amazing. Lincecum was the antithesis of vh1- he left us in amazement at his illogical levels of talent, while vh1 continues to amaze with its level of mindnumbing ridiculousness. vh1 continues to be even more annoying than Pandora's recent adaptation of commercials. Lincecum inspired levels of amazement equal to vh1's levels of ridiculousness with his consistent dominance of all, thankfully, non-Mets teams. That's right. The Mets can beat Lincecum. Its Tyler Clippard they struggle against.
However, the secret of Lincecum's success has finally been revealed: Reputation juice, or, as it is more commonly known, the canabis plant. Lincecum was recently busted with some herb, much like former NL Rookie of the Year Geovany Soto. Of course everybody has to seem disappointed with Lincecum, and he has to seem apologetic, but making Lincecum halt his use of bud will likely be detrimental to his career. Just look at Soto: after being busted and quitting, Soto had a terrible sophomore year and the Cubs missed the playoffs, extending their World Series drought. If Lincecum stops, the years of 15-plus wins with 250-plus strikeouts for an otherwise mediocre San Fransisco(he even plays in California there really shouldnt be any fuss I mean, cmon, its SF) Giants team will be gone. And is that what baseball needs? No. It Isn't. And theres got to be at least one guy the Mets can beat that nobody else can. Otherwise what is the benefit of being a Mets fan?

Remembering Archibald

Editor's Note: Archibald MacLeish, one of the most influential figures in the history of classiness, was born 109 years ago today. The News of the Roundtable takes a look at this incredibly classy yet relatively unknown man.
Archibald MacLeish was born on November 5, 1900, to proud parents Ferdinand and Elizabeth MacLeish, in the London Hospital (now known as the Royal London Hospital). As he grew up, young Archibald demonstrated admirable classiness. Family and friends alike knew that this boy was something special.
Archibald grew up, as most living children do. When World War One broke out on July 28, 1914, Archibald tried to volunteer for the Royal Marines despite his young age. Realizing that his classiness could be valuable to the war effort, Archibald became the last drummer boy ever to serve in the Royal Armed Forces. He served with distinction in a number of engagements, including the battle of Amiens.
After the war, Archibald (still a young man of 18 years), founded a small clothing shop in central London. His remarkably classy articles of clothing sold well among the classy English upper class. And when England's King George V declared that the entire British Empire would soon hold a Fancy Friday, MacLeish became a millionaire almost overnight.

By this time, the Second World War was already brewing. The newly formed SIS believed that Archibald MacLeish's talents could be used for the good of the Allied Powers, and recruited him. He was placed in command of the European Division of the Royal Classiness Commission. While much of the RCC's actions are still classified, it is widely believed that the RCC in general and MacLeish in particular were instrumental in ensuring that German Forces did not use the incredibly classy Pickelhaube in battle. This declassification of German Forces is believe to have saved thousands of Allied lives.
As the war drew to a close, the Allied Powers began implementing their ideas for the future: the United Nations. A significant part of this would be the revival of the International Classiness Congress, which had been abandoned as part of the fallout from the Summer Picnic Massacre of 1782. The ICC would define and refine classiness throughout the world. However, a number of classy people, including MacLeish, lobbied against having the ICC part of the UN, based on the UN's remarkable unclassiness. Their request was granted, and in 1945, the ICC was founded as an independent body.
The ICC had traditionally contained only one member, and this new incarnation was no exception. There was little surprise when MacLeish's superior during the war, Rear Admiral Lord Nelson Cornwallis, was appointed to that high post. There was, however, plenty of surprise when Cornwallis was assassinated by a disgruntled Japanese ninja who had somehow survived the firebombing of Tokyo. With the classy community in disarray, Archibald MacLeish was expected to be appointed the next President of the ICC.
There was plenty more surprise when this completely failed to happen. Instead of Archibald, little-known Francis Esterhazy was chosen as the new ICC President.
Archibald returned to his clothing store. In addition, he began teaching classes in classiness at Cambridge University.
The years passed, at Archibald realized that the ICC's 'rule of one' could have disastrous side-effects. While the ICC concentrated classy leadership, it also left less classy people behind. With several of his wartime friends, Archibald MacLeish founded the International Association of Advanced Classiness People (IAACP), whose humble goal was to "cause advancement of classy people throughout the world."
When Esterhazy resigned from his post in disgrace in 1951, MacLeish was finally given the opportunity to take over. As new president of the ICC, MacLeish found himself in the middle of the Cold War, as Pinko Commie forces threatened to obliterate classiness once and for all. With more pressing issues at stake, MacLeish would temporarily disband the IAACP in what he would later call "the least classy move of my entire life." The IAACP would never recover.
Archibald MacLeish would hold the post of President of the ICC for 30 years, from 1951 to 1981 - through most of the Cold War. He retired in 1981 and died a year later. He was 82, and one of the most influential ICC Presidents of all time. Even a partial list of his accomplishments would be to long to fit in this article, so let it suffice to say that he had many accomplishments, and that they were instrumental in creating modern classiness as we know it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Truth Behind Halloween

Halloween is easily in the top ten awesome holidays. Free candy, ladies in skimpy outfits, and tupac-o-lanterns are all staples of this wonderful time of year. Less importantly, this holiday pays tribute to anything that, now or at any time in the past, had the power to cause fear in mankind. Witches, feminists, vampires, ghosts, and Mysterys(you call yourselves zombies, but I'm on to you. No, the Pickup Artist's techniques don't work, not even on Halloween. So cut it out already you're just depressing everybody) are just a few of the horrifying entities paid tribute on Halloween.
But what's the point? Halloween used to be a pagan holiday, and the traditions carried out today are just adaptations of certain ancient traditions if the film "The Halloween Tree" is to be believed. The problem is, "The Halloween Tree" was a terrible movie, and even worse children's book. Seriously the guy who wrote it should be metaphorically kicked in the crotch. He actually tries to use the word "lollicking" omninously. Clearly the guy is the Daisy De La Hoya of authors.
Halloween, for all its wonders, has never been regarded as classy. Sure, many have tried, through dressing up in top hats, tuxedos, pocketwatches, and the like, giving out caviar to trick-or-treaters, but overall the classy element has never been prevalent in Halloween.
The true purpose of Halloween is simple; Halloween is a time where the normal rules of society do not apply. Classiness, nutrition, and normal clothing are all completely disregarded on this day(well, night, nobody really cares about Halloween day). People go looking to be scared, what with all the movies out(though, seriously, these movies are really, really stupid. Saw was great, but six?!!!! Really??!!!!!) and typically venture outside their comfort zones. Despite the cold, ladies dress in the tightest and most ridiculously tiny outfits they could find(even when they shouldn't) of their own accord. So go forth and enjoy this magical time ye fiends and Roundtablers, and hope that your costume components arrive before Halloween. It would totally suck otherwise.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Techno: The New Crave

 Reprinted, with or without permission, from Issue II of the News of the Roundtable: Print Edition (March 27, 2009).

Is it ecstacy or music? What makes it so addictive?

Techno is a form of electronic dance that originated in Detroit during the 1980s. It has developed into one of the most widely renowned dance music throughout the world. Techno is like a school bus driver - it's odd on the outside but crazy in the inside. When played at a party, techno puts peoples' minds in a complete and utter trance unsurpassed any other time in their lives. The mental power of techno is so strong that there have been rumors that some Charedim were dancing the hora to 'Dota,' by Basshunter, in Washington Heights. There have been many claims that the “land of milk and honey” (Israel) is a euphemism for “the land of techno and Arash”. Israel is known for its love of techno and has attracted many Techno artists, including the infamous DJ Tiesto. Beside for the Middle East Techno stars have also risen in places like Sweden where Basshunter, who enjoys the company of a very beautiful and talented Persian girlfriend, has become very famous. There have been recent studies that Techno can be used to cure malaria and syphilis. The up-tempo and addictive qualities of techno have been proven to retrace time and undo these deadly infectious diseases. Techno is an art; it's a beauty umatched by any hot girl anywhere, it's the Bar Rafaeli of music, and the Kobe Bryant. In the end it is obvious that Techno is the best genre of music and Arash is the best musician of our time. In addition we should all thank G-d for the opportunity to indulge in the addictivness of Arash and Techno.

Friday, October 23, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Due to "Fancy Friday" this week's issue of NOTR has been canceled

Editor's note: No, you didn't miss anything. Today is, unfortunately, not Fancy Friday. Instead, we are taking advantage of this Roundtable Friday to re-start our endeavor to digitalize all of the print edition of the News of the Roundtable. And we started with this article (which was the entirity of NOTR print Issue III, published on Fancy Friday, April 23, 2009) because we remembered just how much everyone loved it, and just how much hard effort Mr. J        T      (now of John's 'Hopkin' University) put into this remarkably well written article.
Insert Text Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Large Classiness Supercollector: Delightful Development or Doomsday Device?

Editor's note: Stay tuned for special events on November 5 and 11. More information will be released at the appropriate time(s).

New Jersey is a land of contrasts, a land where most things are simply awful, but, if you can navigate the crazy road layouts, the chemical factories, the swamps, and Atlantic City you will find a few places that are, for lack of better words, simply very classy. Take, for example, Chickies. Or, if you prefer, the Original Round Table.
Another such place would be the Institute for Advanced Classiness, in Princeton. While most of New Jersey is wallowing in filth, the Institute stands as a beacon of classiness for the entire world.
But that might be changing.
A new experiment is underway in Princeton, and it may very well change every aspect of classiness. And therin lies the danger.

The Large Classiness Supercollector, as this experiment is called, is based on a very simple, but very disputed, assumption, namely, that classiness can be measured, and, more importantly calculated.
"A central point of the Scientific Revolution was that mathematics can be used to describe every aspect of this world," says the Institute's director, Doctor Sir Klassman von Leibniz, Ph.D. "Yet somehow, mathematics never got around to describing classiness."
For better or for worse, Dr. von Leibniz changed that. His first groundbreaking paper, Methods For Derivation and Integration of Classiness, published in 1984, was hailed as a masterpeice by many Scholars of Classiness. But many others said it was the exact opposite. "It became evident, soon after the publication of von Leibniz's paper, that his attempts were backfiring incredibly," says one of von Leibniz's earliest foes, Cornell University Professor Neville Isaacson.
Von Leibniz admits that much of what is now known as Classimatics is flawed, perhaps even to the fundamental level. "In particular, the equation to predict just when something very classy becomes too classy is very problematic - perhaps even not completely possible."


Before we let these wonderfully classy scientists blabber on about who's right and who isn't, perhaps we should examine just what the LCS is supposed to do.
The basic theory is simple. Large amounts of classiness in a relatively small area make that area classier. That was, of course, the entire premise behind Fancy Friday, and is relatively well-accepted by virtually all of the classy community.
The real question is just how far this effect can be extended - and, more importantly, at what point does it stop becoming safe and classy?
Many scholars believe in the Law of Diminishingly Classy Returns, namely, that the more classy stuff you collect, the less each individual item increases classiness by - until a point where adding more classy items does not increase classiness at all. This point is expected to be somewhere in the middle of the 'very classy' range.
Others still believe that the classiness increase never stops - but that after a certain point the collection crosses the line and simply becomes too classy.
Dr. von Leibniz and his associates believe in this second view, yet are sure that they can collect just the right amount of classy objects to make the area just below the 'too classy' line - in other words, as classy as anywhere can get without becoming too classy. The surrounding areas will become classier because they are near the Large Classiness Supercollector, as their collection is called, and will in turn spread an affect that will make the entire world far classier. And since the effect is in New Jersey, the 'Great Classification' (as it is called) will make New Jersey from wasteland into class-land.
Not everyone is convinced. Those who believe in the Law of Diminishing Returns think that the Collector will never work, and is simply a waste of classy items that can be better used by donating them to schoolchildren in unclassy countries (the U.S. State Department spends millions of dollars on such projects each year, but every bit of classiness helps).
Those who agree that the classiness increase does not stop no matter who much classy material is supplied, but, on the other hand, disagree with the classiness or ability of math to predict this and other reactions see a far greater threat.

"There's nothing to stop it from going supercritical - nothing to stop it from just becoming classier and classier until it's so far beyond too classy that nothing can bring it back," says Archibald MacLeish Jr., son of former ICC president Archibald MacLeish (1900-1982). "And once that happens, it will take the rest of the world with it."
MacLeish says that if the LCS is ever completed, the world will, almost instantly, become far too classy. He envisions a day when "people dress like Kanye West except with bowties, when they watch Antiques Roadshow for fun, when they ride mammoths to work and Pterodactyls to school, when every man, woman, and child will own 3.14 elvish servants, when everyone drinks tea, and when Boro Boro by Arash is played so often that it actually starts to sound annoying." MacLeish thinks that this must not happen.
He is not alone. Recently, Random Canadian Guy Johhny Schmidtt sued the Institute for Advanced Classiness for "endangering my classiness." The Institute responded by saying that no one from Canada is classy anyway. The case is still in the Canadian Supreme Court. A few of the minor buildings in the Institute were burned down by Canadian mobs who were
  1. very angry in general
  2. very angry in particular because of the long car ride they had to travel to get to the Institute, and
  3. very bored since the hockey season had just ended and the curling season hadn't yet begun.
 Classy people have also challenged the institute. But we'll talk about that later, won't we.

Friday, October 16, 2009

CNN: The VH1 of News?

As I walked through a nearby building a few moments ago, I happened to notice a (rather nice) flatscreen TV playing CNN. CNN, being a news channel, is meant to talk about important news, and contain, amongst other things, hard-hitting stories, in-depth analysis, and exclusive interviews.
CNN was most certainly living up to these tasks. The segment that was showing as I passed was entitled (and I kid you not) Black Women and their Relationship with Hair.
Finally! The journalistic integrity this country (and the world) needs. Why talk about war, the economy, or the Monsey Chicken Scandal? We can talk about Black Women and their hair!
Upon closer inspection, though, this segment could be considered racist and sexist. I truly hope that CNN will follow this up with other hard-hitting stories, like White Men and their Relationship with Fingernails, or Asian Hermaphrodites and their Relationships with Eyeballs. (By the way, if anyone reading this is an Asian hermaphrodite, or indeed a hermaphrodite in general, please accept my sincere condolences.)
Because of CNN's obvious contributions to televised journalisim, I would like to nominate them for the position of The VH1 of News. After such a groundbreaking story, I'm sure we can all agree they deserve it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Book Review: The Sexual Power of Marijuana

Yes, it's a real book. Sure, it's forty years old, but it's real. And seeing how more people are probably using viagra to solve their sexual problems, presumably the book has failed in its objectve to promote weed as a solution to any and all marital and relational issues. Sorry, Reputation.
However, this book is entertaining in how seriously it takes itself. The author quotes weed experts and users nationwide in an attempt to illustrate the then unproven physiological and psychological effects of herb. An illustration of how seriously the author took her work, the people she surveyed tended not to be hippies or teenagers. In fact, the people she interviewed tended to be in their mid-thirties. Some were even in their fifties.
Now that is just too old, at least if you aren't a musician or a celebrity, who are expected to pull these kinds of things until at least their late sixties, providing they survive that long. People with respectable jobs and families should not be wasting their hard earned cash on marijuana. That's just irresponsible. That money should be used towards something useful, like a college fund. or a motorcycle if they are experiencing a mid-life crisis. Or at least something awesome, like a clap-on fireplace or something. Not something sad that you should have stopped using in grad school when you actually started to use your brain.
This book has motivated me to come up with some kind of formula for figuring out at what ages, depending on profession, the allowable weed ages are. Furthermore, anybody under the age of fourteen shouldn't be going near the stuff. Here they are:
Medicine(Doctor, Surgeon, etc.)NEVER! I'm sorry, but if you are going to be responsible for people's health, you must be able to remain completely focused at all times. Always. Sorry, but no bud for you
Business(Finance, Accounting, Numbers-crunching type) It is quite understandable that the everyday boredom of your job requires some excitement. But do it the usual ways: womanizing, weekend beers, and company picnics. Too many people are depending on you for their financial security. Acceptable ages:16-whenever you get a job(hopefully in the 22-24 range)
Business(Marketing, Public Relations): Your job is to talk. Clearly. Smartly. And messing with your brain too much in its developmental stages is just detrimental to your profession. However, since most of what you do is bs, if you so choose there is a narrow window(17-20) where light use probably will not destroy your future. Probably.
Politician: who cares, as long as nobody finds out? You just hire people to write and do things for you. You just gotta look nice for the people and be able to read well. And make sure nobody finds out if you do. Meaning once you are actually working for the government, its best to start following the law. Ages:15-26
Lawyers, judges: If you are good at what you do, you can get away with it, since somehow youd find a way to get out of trouble. But the entire legal system is riding on you; don't screw the people over for your habits. Ages:18-23(law school)
Finally, Celebrities/musicians: You are expected to do this. In fact, weed is tame for you. In the interest in your health you should probably be careful, but when have you ever done that? Ages: 14-64 Exception: Miley Cyrus and anybody associated with VH1. You're already so unclassy and untalented that nobody gives a crap what happens to you. In the case of VH1, every show is probably fueled by weedheads. I know the contestants are puffing the magic dragon. Seeing as you are already failures and your presence makes the universe unclassy and you do nothing but ruin life for the good people of the world, nobody gives a shit what you do. In fact, anything that will get any of you to shut up or just go away for any amount of time is a good thing. Ages: 3-whenever you are done corrupting society.
For the record, NOTR is not supporting the use of herb. It's laying out guidelines for when criticism will be kept to a relative minimum. Or in the case of VH1 or Miley Cyrus, just illustrating nothing short of complete destruction, cancellation, or any form of getting out of the public eye will lessen the ripping.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pterodactyl Watch: Hong Kong

Just what does Google think of classiness? Let's find out, and expose a plot of pterodactylish feindishness, covering the entire world, from Monsey to Hong Kong.

Well. According to that handy-dandy chart, less people have searched for "Roundtable" recently, but there has actually been much more news about it. Just where is this news?

Wait. The third most frequent search for Roundtable came from... Canada!? Obviously Google's data is flawed. Somewhere as unclassy as Canada would never search for such a classy term. (Never mind what's going on with Hong Kong and Australia, which is also pretty sketchy.) So is Google's data flawed?
Surely not! Google got rich for being good with data, didn't they! So if Google's displaying something false, it must be because they are hiding something!
But are they hiding it for good or for ill?
Well, Google's motto is 'don't be evil'. But clearly Google lied on being evil: how else could anyone explain their failure to develop and expand on Google TiSP?
And if Google is evil, then they must always lie.
(Quod erat demonstrandum.)
But what is Google trying to hide? Perhaps, they are undergoing a quest to hide traces of their allies, the evil ptero-people! How else can you explain that a Google search for "Ptero-Terror" returns only four results, and none of them are this site (which, as we all know is obviously the classiest website on the internet)!
What does Google gain from its support of ptero-terror?
Well, we need to look at the statistics again. The second highest search rate for "Roundtable" was, if you remember, Hong Kong.
So, obviously, when Ptero-people rule the western hemisphere, Google will be ruling the east from their secret lair under the South China Sea. And their minions (according to Wikipedia, Hongkongers) will spread far and wide and will do whatever Google's Minions tend to do (programming, mostly).
But it will be to late, for we will be under the wonderful, terrible, great, awesome, fun, deadly, exciting reign of the pterodactyls.
Tell your freinds!
And when you see the Pterodactyls in the skies over Hong Kong, beware!

But what about ptero-terror closer to home?

Find out on the next edition of
Pterodactyl Watch

Friday, October 9, 2009

The State of the News of the Roundtable

Today marks the one month* anniversary of the creation of the online version of the News of the Roundtable. Here's how we're doing:

Articles posted (not including this one): 18
Days up: 29
Articles per day: 0.62 (4.3 per week)
Authors: 3
Questions that the Tuber was asked: 1
Huge programming projects which were proposed but will probably never materialize: 1
Most common tags:
  • Pterodactyl (used 6 times)
  • Arash (used 5 times)
  • Friday (used 4 times)
  • Madness (used 4 times)
  • Classy (used 3 times)
  • Hirschfeeeld (used 3 times)
  • Hirschfeld (used 3 times)
  • VH1 (used 3 times)
 And, finally, the poll results:

By now, Arash's classiness is well known, but this confirms it.

Also, Senior Medley. Heh.

Something of a split here. Everyone seems to agree that Pterodactyls are not Too Classy, but other than that, there wasn't all that much agreement, although everything clusters around Pterodactyls being Moderately Classy.

Wow. Kanye West! Such a threat to classiness in the world today. (Strangely, no one shared my fears that Antiques Roadshow would make the world Too Classy - people seem much more worried about Underclassification than Overclassification.) Also, who voted for PLP?

*: A 'month' is defined as 4 weeks. Your results may vary.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Coming Soon...

I think that by the end of the semester, I might just have enough programming skill to pull this off. Send any and all suggestions you may have to .

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ask The Tuber: Grammar Games!

The Frisch Tuber has received an email!

"CENSORED CENSORED or CENSORED? i hope youre spending your time writing this during class rather than going out/partying/girls. anyways u provide me with entertainment during my boredome so keep it up"
Well, whoever you are, we're glad to oblige. But because you didn't exactly ask me, the Tuber, a question, I'll just analyze all of your bad grammar instead.

Of course, analyzing grammar is remarkably unclassy. But it's even less classy to actually use bad grammar... you should be ashamed of yourself.

1. Always start sentences with a capital letter. Particularly when that letter is the word 'I.'
2. Is 'girls' a verb? But 'go out' and 'party' are. Perhaps we should create a new word. Girling. (It's like the sport of Curling except without the Canadianness).
3. 'u' is actually spelled 'you.' Shocking, is it not?
4. Is a 'boredome' a secret lair for bored people? Can I get one?
5. End sentences with periods. Otherwise... well, periods are important, for some reason.

I'm sorry we had to go through that. Don't make me do it again,

Keep it classy,

The Tuber

Send your questions to the Tuber at .

Friday, September 25, 2009

The secret behind the freshman 15; all the things you wanted to know but were afraid to find out

All new participants in meal plans have heard the rumors and are on the lookout for this dreaded side effect of newfound liberty in food choices. People agonize over decisions in their respective dining halls, debating between the salad and the massive super-stuffed buffalo chicken wrap. Paricipants often consider offsetting their eating habits with extended workouts, exercising, or four-squaring. But the true danger of the freshman 15 is not in the dining hall foods (though all-you-can eat wings Fridays don't exactly help- those of you on the Kosher meal plans understand). No, the true danger is found in late-nite foods needed to complement enjoyment of watching How I Met Your Mother.
These foods and second/third dinners usually include, but are not limited to, jello snack packs, enchiladas and hot sauce, teryaki bowls and hot sauce, hot pockets and hot sauce, mac and cheese and hot sauce, and stir-fry bowls and hot sauce. These meals are the ones that creep up on your bodily system and really puts on the pounds. It is the only logical explanation.
It may appear that cutting back on food/ How I Met Your Mother/ hot sauce may be the best resolution. But no. as always, four-square is the best method to work off all excess weight.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Excerpts from the Book of Pittinsky

Translator's note: Historians like myself despaired when the Book of Pittinsky was stolen from its safe location in a hotel in Canada about one and a half years ago. Since no copies or translations of the Book were made, we feared that it and its story would be lost to the general public forever.
However, archaeological investigations at an alleged 'Yeshiva High School' in northern New Jersey revealed an amazingly well-preserved copy of the Book, complete with all three portions of the Book of Pittinsky, namely, The Book of Fiends, The Prophecies of Pittinsky, and The Book of Random Other Stuff.
One of the strangest facts about the Book is the veritable babel of languages it is written in. In the first chapter of The Prophecies of Pittinsky alone, fifteen different languages are used, including Quenya, French, Aramaic, Qwghlmian, Klingon, Farsi, and Pig Latin. Why so many languages, including many extremely unclassy ones, were used in the Book remains a question for scholars even today. It also makes the Book very annoying to translate.
Two chapters of the Book are included below: the last chapter of the Book of Fiends (chapter 42) and the first chapter of the Prophecies of Pittinsky. I hope they bring you classiness.

With all due respect,
Prof. Elwin Ransom 

The Book of Fiends, Chapter 42

1)And, lo! in those days, men were real men, Hebrew teachers were real Israelis, and J――― was considered cute: 2)And before all, verily! at the apex of class and classiness alike, were the fiends: 3)And the school prospered from the fiends, and was enriched mightily, even unto the annals of the Book of Wikipedia was its name known: 4)And the fiends brought class, and classiness was amongst the people:
5)And it came to pass, in the fourth year of their reign, that is, the Ninth and Two Thousandth year of the Era of Commonness, that the fiends graduated, and were removed from the School: 6)And the people said "Woe! What shall become of us?" for the fiends had graduated: 7)And the school was darkened beneath the heavens, and its people were unclassy, for they wore unclassy clothes, and were promiscuous in the library but not in the parking lots: 8)And new grades arose, which had not known the fiends, and they exiled the pterodactyls, and replaced the round tables with square ones: 9)And they refused to be on a boat, and they sent in their reconciliation forms, yea! even unto the thousandth form:
10)And the school was conquered by the Class of 2010, and by the Class of 2011, and even by the class of 2012: 11)And the people cried out unto whatever deity(s) they happened to believe in at the time, saying, "Whence are the fiends that were with us in the days of yore, yea! even unto their days of graduation?: 12)Let them return, and be classy amongst us, such that we too may be classy:" 13)But the prayers of the people were unanswered, for the people were unclassy:
14)And it came to pass that all the grades that knew the fiends had graduated: 15)And in those days, all the teachers and administrators who had known the fiends had retired, lo! even unto Dr. Stein who sat in the principal's office: But the legend of the fiends lived on in the memories of the Faithful, and word of the Round Table was not forgotten beneath the heavens:

The Prophecies of Pittinsky, Chapter 1

1)And it was, in the fourth year since the Fiends had graduated, a Dude who was most certainly not an Angel of the L-RD came to me: 2)For he smelled like the leaf of the weeds of Maro and Juana, and his shirt was one of those really ugly Hawaiian things, and he sounded like yo momma: 3)At the place - you know, that little place upstairs that led to the roof - yeah, that place, I saw him: 4)And He started talking, and he looked a little funny: 5)Yea, almost like a fiend he looked: 6)And the Dude spoke unto me, saying: 7)"What do you see, son of whoever Pittinsky's father was?": 8)And I looked and I saw, and behold! there was a table in a shape I did not know: 9)And I said, "It is a table, but I know not its shape.": 10)And the Dude said unto me, "the table is round.": 11)And, behold! the table was round, and its circumference was Pi times its diameter: 12)And I asked unto the Dude, "What is the meaning of this?": 13)And the Dude said unto me, "just as you saw a round table, but did not know its shape, so too will classiness return unto your midst.": 14)And I rejoiced, for we would be classy once more:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pterodactyl Watch: Arizona

Editor's note: We wish you a merry Roundtable Friday, we wish you a merry Roundtable Friday, we wish you a merry Roundtable Friday, and a happy New Year.
Please be sure to view our latest contributor (WickedJumbo)'s new article about Kanye West, below.
Also, be sure to vote in our poll (down and to the right) so we can get some idea of about how many people actually read this thing.

By now, all readers of the News of the Roundtable should know that Pterodactyls are dangerous. They should even know how to identify them. But how can we prove the danger to our skeptical neighbors?
In the first entry in our new Pterodactyl Watch series, we travel to the remote and inhospitable deserts of Arizona. We met there with an Old Man, who had the added distinction of being Native American and thus knowing the myths related to this area.
"In the ancient days, just after the World was created (almost one thousand years ago!), there were four tribes of men: the Yellow Men, the Black Men, the White Men, and the Red Men."

Clearly, he means Asians, Black People, White people, and Native Americans. Moving on to the interesting bits:
"...No one really cares about the Yellow, Black, and White Men. But the Red Men - they lived here. All of them; anything you hear about different tribes of Red Men, especially if they are fighting each other, is a filthy lie. Made by filthy liars..."
Can you get to the point already, Old Man?
"...And the Red Men would farm in the valleys, but they would live in the cliffs. Why would they live in the cliffs? Not because they were afraid of other Red Men.  As I already said, all the Red Men were friends and living together - and anyone who says otherwise is one of those aforementioned filthy liars. They would live in the cliffs because if they were in the valleys for too long, they would get snatched up and eaten by the winged dinosaurs."
So there you have it - from the Old Man's lips to our ears. There were Pterodactyls in Arizona less than a thousand years ago. Thus, the scientists were obviously lying.


But why were they in Arizona specifically? For that, we turned to a random New Age mystic guy. We even managed to make sure he wasn't high during the interview!
"Tourists come to this place because of the Vortices (that's plural of Vortex, folks!). Each Vortex has mystical magical powers that we cannot even comprehend. They cause U.F.O. sightings. They cause madmen. They cause miracles."
And, presumably, they attract Pterodactyls. But are these Vortices only in Arizona?
"Vorticies are the cause of many previously unexplained phenomena. There are Vorticies in New York's Hudson Valley..."
Finally, an explanation for why Monsey is so weird! There are Vorticies there!
"We should all pray to the Vorticies, because-"
Whoa (Whooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa), hey. We don't need that kinda talk around here.
And so you have it. There are Vorticies in Arizona. They attract Pterodactyls. The Pterodactyls eat the Indians. It's a food chain. And proof of the Ptero-terror threat.
Where is the next target of the ptero-terror? Is it the Hudson Valley, which also has Vorticies? Is the Hudson Valley already pterritory? Could your peaceful town be next?

Find out on the next edition of
Pterodactyl Watch
Kevin's note: Some of these quotes are actually real. There was an old Native American guy who said more or less the same thing as he did in this story - including the bit about Indians being eaten by winged dinosaurs. The New Age weirdo did say there were vorticies in both Arizona and the Hudson Valley. Is this a coincidence? I think not. It must be a pterodactylian plot!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mr. West: an Exploration and Invocation

Editor's note: Welcome to the News of the Roundtable: Online Edition's latest contributor, WickedJumbo.

Every 14 year old girl's world was shattered sunday night when Kanye West, (heretofore to be referred to as Mr. West to retain what little semblance of dignity he still has) shocked the world by successfully getting his huge ego up to the stage in time to steal Taylor Swift's thunder, glory, moment, and whatever other superlatives receiving a VMA really deserve.
Now Mr. West, self proclaimed more famous than Jesus, God, Mystery, Matador, Tila Tequila, the Beatles, and even Daisy De la Hoya, is finally worthy of the highest honor one can be offered. An article in this esteemed paper designated solely to him; an honor shared only Arash, Basshunter, and the Senior Medley, so clearly Mr. West, you are in talented musical company.
And now the story of Dr. Kanye West, D.D.S.
Kanye hails from Chicago, in the deep dark midwest, home of Blagojevich, Michael Jordan, and Da Bears. Clearly his brain was affected by all the smog, snow, and subconscious response to being abused as a child by his stuffed rhinoceros because last time i checked, this:
"I'm sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom," he wrote. "I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she's in the bleachers! I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment!
"Beyoncé's video was the best of this decade!!!! I'm sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw. Welcome to the real world!!!! Everybody wanna booooo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture!!! No disrespect but we watchin' the show at the crib right now cause ... well you know!!!! I'm still happy for Taylor!!!! Boooyaaawwww!!!! You are very very talented!!! I gave my awards to Outkast when they deserved it over me ... That's what it is!!!!!!! I'm not crazy y'all, i'm just real. Sorry for that!!! I really feel bad for Taylor and I'm sincerely sorry!!! Much respect!!!!!"
was not considered rational human thought. However I can't really say I'm surprised by this spat of incoherence coming from the man whose platinum selling songs include lyrics such as
"Don't try to treat me like I ain't famous My apologies, are you into astrology Cause I'm, I'm tryin to make it to Uranus"
Clearly his lyrical genius aside, Kanye's greatest contribution to society must be his sense of style. How much more depressing a society would we live in if no one was walking around in plastic sunshades with bars instead of lenses, or wearing army boots at all times. What would we do if we suddenly needed to kick a Nazi dinosaur's ass on a sunny day without these irreplaceable advancements to the functionality and style of our collective wardrobes?
So thank you Mr. West, for finally taking an MTV program to the next level; the VH1 level. Not just anyone could have done what you did. I applaud your efforts and look forward to many more ridiculous attention-grabbing escapades for years to come, or until your career falls apart in 2 years and you follow the path of MC Hammer into oblivion and bankruptcy, whichever comes first.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Soundtrack to My Nightmares

The Soundtrack to My Nightmares was envisioned by the alleged "Shatzmaster 3000" after a certain English class. As no one actually bothered I writing it, I decided, hey, why not?
I spent about 30 minutes working on it while in the "Z-Zone," as that classroom was called. This thing is supposed to be a joke. Why can't you realize it is a joke? Why do you insist upon telling me that this is good!? This is not good! This is a bad poem! Not a good poem! Why did someone submit this to Kally-Oppy?! What is wrong with you? What is wrong with me? What is wrong with the world?
Without further ado, The Soundtrack to My Nightmares.

Far beyond the shadowed sea
of sleep, the nightmares torment me.
A faint yet haunting melody
echoes in my mind.

And in the Hall of Thousand Doors
(by locks unburdened since the wars)
I wander as the music roars
the soundtrack to my nightmares.

Arnold Schoenberg's corpse yet walks;
about 'Number Nine' a Beetle talks;
even a velociraptor balks
before the awful tune.   

I try to flee; I turn a knob,
(above, the vultures just wait and bob)
but my hands cannot do the job:
the door refuses to open.

Other portals respond the same,
I cannot but must play this grim game.
The only soul here bears my name
but it is fading.

But for the song there is no sound.
My life leaves me with a single bound.
But the music still plays, all around,
the soundtrack to my nightmares.